Thursday, November 16, 2006

I Want to go to the Football Game

Catherine went to her first football game this past weekend. She especially liked seeing the "funny" ram, a.k.a. the mascot. And to top it off, there were no accidents. She told us when she had to go to the bathroom. Small victories, right? "Daddy, where is the ball?" "Daddy, what are they doing?" Indeed.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Summer 2006

Nothing major to report, just having a really great summer. Spending lots of time at various swimming pools and enjoying very hot weather. It has been lots of fun to see Catherine getting to really like her "friends." We went to a birthday party for her one friend, AKA "the other Catherine." My Catherine just talks about the "other Catherine" all the time, it is really kind of fun! Featured on this blog is a picture of Catherine with cake in hand - she loves cake at birthday parties and singing the "birthday song."
Also, I have posted a shot of my grandmother (about to be 92) and Catherine swimming at my parents pool together. It is really amazing to see them together, 90 years difference. My grandmother is trying to "teach her to swim."
Last but not least just a silly shot of Catherine in one of her everyday modes where she tries to help me make my bed by pulling off all the sheets and covers and rolling around in them.
I know all parents must think and say this, but this feels like just the best time, 2 1/2 years old is really fun!

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Van Halen's Next Lead Singer?

Step aside Gary Cherone, Sammy Hagar, and David Lee Roth. We have a new lead singer for Van Halen!

Catherine is a nut! Tonight, we put her to bed and we were watching TV. We heard her talking on the monitor, which is very unusual. She always goes to bed without a peep. I go over and turn up the monitor and am surprised to hear, “I get up and nothing gets me down. You got it tough, I got the toughest all around.” Bryan and I were hysterical. Bryan has been playing her Van Halen's song JUMP, but I was surprised that it is the lullaby she chooses to put herself to bed with!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006


Nothing in the world like having a best friend. Check out Catherine and her best friend, Jorin. All the afternoons are better because she has her friend to cruise the backyard with. Notice Jorin's little brother Oliver trying to get in on some action too!

Thursday, May 04, 2006


So it has been awhile since I posted anything - work and life and such, but tonight Catherine did something so cute, I have to share.

After dinner, I was cleaning up the kitchen and doing dishes. Bryan said he was going to take Catherine upstairs to listen to records (this is becoming a ritual which has led Catherine to quote songs from Corey Hart and Van Halen...) As I was cleaning up I heard Catherine coming down the stairs calling my name. This is not a big deal, but I wanted her to stay upstairs so I could finish cleaning - I assumed Bryan had become to absorbed in his music to notice Catherine's departure. When she came into the kitchen, I heard her before I saw her and she was saying, "Look mommy I got stickers." When I looked up I saw my child in a pair of jeans and nothing else with US Postage stamps stuck all over her arms and belly! I was a perfect combination of mad and amused. I grabbed her to run up the stairs and fuss at Bryan. As I was going up the stairs I was calling out, "Bryan, are you not watching your daughter???" When we met Bryan at the top of the stairs, he started laughing so hard that I could not help but laugh. I sincerely wanted to take a picture however I did not want to waste any time taking off the stamps and trying to salvage as many as I could! Too bad I did not take a picture because it was certainly memorable.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

More pictures...

My other "boy" friend, Ethan Graham...

More pictures from the weekend....

A visit with Cameron Whitehurst and his mom, Candice - eating at Andy's Pizzeria

A Day at the Park

We visited Raleigh for the weekend to celebrate Catherine's Mimi's birthday. We spent some time at Millbrook Exchange (Bryan's former employer). It is a real joy to see Catherine outside, she loves to play in any park, any where, any time.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

A little like her mom?

OK, I could not resist, I have to post a picture of myself at about 18 months old....
Always and forever Catherine looks just like her DAD, which is great (he is a handsome fellow), but I see a little bit of me making an appearance in her! Take a look.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Springtime for Catherine!

I love this picture, taken about 1 week after a major stomach infection took over our home briefly. This is the typical Catherine, smiling and bright (nice to have her back). I sympathize with all those who have survived the dreaded "stomach bug." It is no joke and really heartbreaking to see your little one so sick.
Notice, we cannot see her teeth in this picture, I swear they are in there. We are enjoying some really beautiful weather here in North Carolina and Catherine is thrilled that she can wear her "sundresses." Her short hair seems to have brought out some curls too!

Monday, February 27, 2006

Explanation of Previous Blog

We had Catherine's first hair cut, she did ok...a little scared, but now her hair looks so cute! Bryan is intrigued by the mullet effect created by the shorter hair, if we try to put it in pig tails or a pony tail. Here are some cute pictures of her new haircut, note the teapot. We have about 40 tea parties a day at our household!

What Happens When Daddy Does My Hair

Nice mullet ...

Friday, February 17, 2006

Cake and friends too!

Catherine had her picture taken on Wednesday to celebrate turning 2! We are excited for her party tomorrow and she is too, despite the mention of family, friends and presents, the only thing she continues to mention is cake! She is very excited to eat cake, that must be the Leeds in her.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

We had a nice visit with the Hall Family/Pentecost family over the last several days. Catherine and Ethan got to know one another better. We are a little ashamed over how many times Catherine tried to kiss Baby Ethan. She is a very forward girl. I guess that assertive quality will serve her well in the future!
We'll be sadly watching the Super Bowl tomorrow, but not with much spark, as our Panthers made a terrible showing in the NFC Championship. The only saving grace might be a blow out from the Seahawks proving that they are simply a superior team.

Friday, January 27, 2006

Here are a few pictures from playing in the kitchen...the one in black and white is included to prove that she has top teeth. Very hard to discern in most photos, but they are there. Catherine was using this spoon to fetch a rubber ball she kept rolling underneath the oven. Who needs toys when you can play with the oven!?

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Thank goodness she was de-hydrated

Oh toddlers.............
So I put Catherine down for her nap around 1:15 PM today, but she kept talking and talking (not typical) and so finally at 2:15 PM she was saying "mommy" (over and over again)...I decide to go in. She is totally naked and announces to me proudly, "Mommy, I naked." The room spells like the tell tale stench of poop. I look around and alll her "bed gear" (including Pooh Bear, Pink Bear, Girl Bear, Blankie Bear, Cinderella, Arielle - The Mermaid, her paci and her blankie) are thrown out of the bed. Along with all her gear are about 11 decent "tootsie roll" like poopies. Lovely! On a more hydrated day, this would be more mushy poop, but thank goodness she appears to not have had very much to drink today.
I picked up all the poop, as Catherine says, "Mommy pick up poopies." Then I clean her up and put on her diaper (SHAME on me for putting the diper on forwards instead of backwards - I have become complacent as normally when she is sleeping I put it on backwards). Then I have to re-make her bed which has pee and poop in it. The whole time, I am explaining as soon as this bed is made, you are getting back into it. She hands me the sheet and says, "Mommy, I help make bed." Then she puts all her "bed gear" back in and I put her in her bed and know I am writing this with my fingers crossed that she'll sleep!

Monday, January 16, 2006

We could not be more excited about the Panthers victory on Sunday. Catherine shared in the excitedment and celebrated by wearing beads and running all over the house. We look forward to watching the NFC Championship at Dawn's next Sunday. Thanks to Dawn for hosting!

Sunday, January 08, 2006

What a fun day watching the Panthers win! We believe in the power of the frog! See everyone next Sunday.
However, Bryan also believes it could have been Patrick's shirt with the horseshoes on it, any which way, Panthers rolled....

Saturday, January 07, 2006

2006 A New year

I will try and put a few more posts up in 2006.
Here is an updated picture of Catherine!
Here is Catherine sorting through her diapers, she likes to pick out the character on her diaper that she will wear for the day.