Saturday, May 29, 2010

Happy Day

Had a great day with family and friends, so grateful for this time in life. Sweet husband, good kids and wonderful friends!!!


Friday, May 28, 2010


Just pulled out the iron, Catherine says, "Mom, why do you have an ironing machine if you don't iron." GREAT QUESTION!


Last night...Catherine says, "You know I broke up with Sam at the start of the year." I say,"Yeah, I know, what about Wilson."

Catherine, "Well, I am done with Wilson now."

Me, "OH."

Catherine, "Now it is me and Adam."

Me, "My goodness Catherine, three boys in one year of kindergarten."

Catherine, "Well, you know it is just the life cycle of boys."

CRACKED ME UP!!! Hope she always has this healthy of an attitude about relationships!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Horsing Around

Catherine is loving taking horse back riding and I am so proud of her. She is dedicated and enthused about riding, lots of fun. We took her to see Cavalia, see link below:

She was thrilled by this show, and I was awed by it!

Friday, May 07, 2010

Jake's Progression

Sorry so long since I wrote. We had the furniture market, which was very busy and then lots of follow up! Everything is going great, work is picking up, which is fantastic!

Here's a vignette from our home today:

This afternoon, Jake squats down in front of me and says to me, "Mama, Poop."

I said, "Are you pooping Jake?"

Jake says, "Yeah, Mama."

I say, "You want to go poop on the potty?"

Jake says, "No, mama!!!"

Proceeds to do his business in his pants, but he is starting to get it!

The whole thing spells progress.