Thursday, November 11, 2010

Election 101

Catherine ran for Vice President of her class, despite this lovely poster, an incredible speech and her general enthusiasm, she was not the victor. Still, I am very proud of her!

Friday, November 05, 2010

Football 2010

Catherine visits Kenan once a year and here is our annual visit. She went the first time at 2 years old, although Jake is 2, he was not invited this year. The boy cannot sit still. It was a fun day, beautiful fall weather and the Heels won (barely). Hope to be visiting one or both children in Chapel Hill someday, it is just an idyllic place.

Future Quarterback & Homecoming Queen???

My neighbor's son with Catherine, they have been friends since they both arrived on the earth, I just loved this photo. It almost physically hurts me to see that they are on the verge of being 7 and 8 years old. Time flies....

New Pictures

Worst Blogger in the world award....don't know if anyone will even take a moment to look at this. I am just so busy that I never do this! But, for me it is fun to go back and see old pictures of the kiddos - so I am going to try, try again.

All is well for the Pruitt's! Sweet little ones loved Halloween, for the most part. Jake was a little creeped out by the spookiness of the evening.