Saturday, February 13, 2010

Snow Again, Etc.

Oh my goodness, more snow. It is almost unbelievable. But today was really exceptionally pretty. This picture was from early this morning....but as the day has gone on the sun on the 3 " of snow has been gorgeous. Just beautiful...
We had two sick ones this week and I am grateful to say they are both on the road to recovery. BUT I am not a great stay in the house mom, I have been eager to get out and about. I feel a little stir crazy and grumpy in the house all the time and I know that is not my natural mood! So glad everyone is feeling better.
I love the picture of Catherine, Bryan and Jake out on the front porch from last night. Catherine was so awed by the snow last night and wanted to sit outside and watch it fall. Jake was still not feeling well at all, but we wrapped him up in the blanket. So glad for this family!!!
What a sad start for the Olympics with the death of the athlete from Georgia. Even still, I think the Olympics are just amazing! The best athletes in each country having a chance to compete against the best athletes in the whole world - really outstanding. We tried to watch the opening ceremonies, and saw about half and then got too tired. So we taped them and will watch them today. So much fun watching the opening ceremonies with Bryan who had a running commentary, which had me laughing, which felt so good after being a shut in for a few days.

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