Friday, April 02, 2010

Wow, it is April!

Seems like this is the time of year that everything starts going so fast. With lots of events coming up at Catherine's school, including an Earth Day celebration that I am not much help for, due to the gardening component - a gift I was not born with, contrary to the rest of my family. Plus - furniture market is right around the corner and then we have two trips planned in May, I almost feel like I cannot keep up!

Thank goodness I have Catherine, who is a big help and mini-mom to Jake. Pictures shown here are from the other night...she and Jake played - "pretend we are at the beach." They put on their swim suits and got beach towels and had a beach party in the family room. They were so cute, Bryan and I actually sat and relaxed just watching them - they were fully entertained by each other, that is the way to run the show!!!

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